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Offering hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse

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Healing from Domestic Abuse through education and mentoring

Individual Support

As an individual, learn how we can help you understand, cope and heal from domestic abuse.


As a church leader, learn how to shepherd both the victim and the abuser in a way that honors God and provides safety and accountability for all involved.

Counselors & People Helpers

As a counselor or people helper, learn how to be most effective in helping those struggling with DV issues and specific trauma-related issues.

Friends & Family

It’s hard to watch a loved on struggle with DV issues. Learn how you can help in a meaningful way.

Healing from Domestic Abuse through education and mentoring

Individual Support

As an individual, learn how we can help you understand, cope and heal from domestic abuse.


As a church leader, learn how to shepherd both the victim and the abuser in a way that honors God and provides safety and accountability for all involved

Counselors & People Helpers

As a counselor or people helper, learn how to be most effective in helping those struggling with DV issues and specific trauma-related issues.

Friends & Family

It’s hard to watch a loved on struggle with DV issues. Learn how you can help in a meaningful way 

Our Mission Statement: Called to Peace Ministries exists to provide a compassionate, comprehensive, and Christ-centered response to those impacted by domestic abuse.

What does Domestic Abuse look like?

Domestic violence (DV) (also called intimate partner violence (IPV), domestic abuse or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. These behaviors can include physical harm, but more often they do not. 

Make a difference



Church Partnership

Join us in our mission to offer hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse, emotionally destructive relationships, and sexual assault.

Latest From Our Blog

Wisdom and Encouragement from a Biblical Perspective Concerning Domestic Abuse.

“But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God…. He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners.” Psalm 146:5-7